/ Documentation /Getting Started/ What is Reputation Shield?

What is Reputation Shield?

Reputation Shield is a powerful feature in SureMail that helps safeguard your sender reputation by preventing potentially problematic content from being sent through your SMTP service. By analyzing outgoing emails, Reputation Shield blocks messages containing flagged content. This ensures better email deliverability and protects your sender reputation. 

How to Enable Reputation Shield?

To enable Reputation Shield in SureMail, follow these steps:

  1. Navigate to Settings in your WordPress dashboard.
  2. Go to SureMail > Settings tab.
  3. Click on the Activate Reputation Shield button.

How Does Reputation Shield Work?

Once activated, Reputation Shield automatically scans outgoing emails for flagged content. If an email contains problematic content, it is blocked from being sent to your SMTP service. This helps prevent issues such as spam complaints and blacklisting.

Viewing Reputation Shield Logs

Emails blocked by Reputation Shield are logged in the Email Logs tab with “Blocked” status. To review details of a blocked email:

  1. Navigate to SureMail > Email Logs.
  2. The status will be shown as “Blocked”.

By using Reputation Shield, you can ensure that your emails adhere to best practices, reducing the risk of deliverability issues and maintaining a strong sender reputation.

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