/ Documentation /Getting Started/ Introduction to Connections Tab

Introduction to Connections Tab

The Connections Tab in the SureMail plugin provides a streamlined interface for managing email connections. Below is a guide to help you navigate and utilize its features effectively.

Accessing the Connections Tab

  1. Navigate to your WordPress Dashboard.
  2. Go to Settings > SureMail > Connections Tab.

Features of the Connections Tab

The Connections Tab contains the following key elements:

1. Add Connection Button

  • Use this button to create a new email connection. Clicking it opens a form where you can specify the connection details.

2. List of Connections

  • View all existing email connections in a tabular format. Each connection includes its details and available actions.

3. Edit Connection Option

  • Edit Icon: Represented by a pencil icon.
  • How to Edit:
    1. Click the edit icon next to the desired connection.
    2. A right-hand sidebar menu will slide in.
    3. Modify the editable fields as needed.
    4. Save your changes to update the connection.

4. Send Test Mail Button

  • Use this feature to verify if your email connection is working correctly.
  • How to Send a Test Email:
    1. Click the Send Test Mail button.
  1. A right-hand sidebar menu will slide in, displaying the following options:
    • Email From: Select a sender email from the dropdown list.
    • Email Send To: Enter the recipient email address in the provided field.
  2. Use the Send Test Mail button to dispatch the test email.
  3. Use the Back button to return without sending a test email.

5. Delete Option

  • Delete Icon: Represented by a trash bin icon.
  • Use this to permanently remove a connection. Ensure you want to delete before proceeding, as this action is irreversible.

By understanding and utilizing these features, you can efficiently manage your email connections within SureMail.

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