How SureMail Auto-Retry Works
SureMail’s Auto-Retry feature ensures that emails that fail to send due to temporary issues (like a network timeout, rate limits, or SMTP server errors) are automatically retried instead of being lost. Here’s how it works:
Retry Logic
- If an email fails to send due to a temporary error through all the connections set up for the From Email, SureMail logs the failure and marks the email for retry in the Emails Logs tab.
- The email is marked as “In Progress.” in the Email Logs tab.
Auto-Retry Mechanism
- SureMail schedules an auto-retry 30 minutes after the initial failure. During this retry, SureMail will try to send the email again through all the connections set up for the From Email, following the Connection Sequence set for these connections. To understand how the Connection Sequence works, refer to this doc – How to Set Up Multiple Backup Connections for Each “From Email” in SureMail.
- If the email is successfully sent during the retry, it is marked as “Successful.”
- If the retry fails, the email is marked as “Failed.”
Key Notes
- Ensure “from email” credentials are accurate and match the connection setup.
- Invalid credentials or expired API key result in connection failure.
- The auto-retry mechanism is limited to one retry, 30 minutes after the initial failure.
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